Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mom and I @ airport getting ready to board

We are in STL, Dad is on the phone somewhere, so Mom and I decided to take a quic pic! This is the start of our 'little' adventure to Italy! We are very excited. :)
Mom's having a minor freak out at the moment, she seem's to have forgotten her bag of meds. Like the ever so important Advil PM. Which I don't take so I'm nice and calm. :)
So talley of what we've already realized we forgot:
-advil pm & other meds
-water bottle/nalgene

Nothing too major!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Crisi averted! Mom found her bag of advil. Whew!

  2. All is well in the universe, I found my advil and pm. I didn't freak out, I rummaged thru my bag vigorously!
    I'm so excited!!!!

  3. You girls are super cute!! How's Italy???
