Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I can't Believe its here!

Its tomorrow! Yay!
I am so excited! My flight leaves tomorrow morning, from KC I fly to STL to meet up with my parents. We fly from there (with a layover in Chicago) to ROME!
We will be in Rome thurs morning. Hopefully bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from a night of sleep on the plane. Thank you Dr. John for the ambien.
I'm almost done with my check list, a few more things and I'll feel good about leaving evrything else for almost 2 weeks. :)
I've decided to leave my phone. I will have access to my v-mail and email and will be checking both. I will be updating my blog as much as possible and posting some pics. :)
Alright, so my mission for the trip is this: to find the best gelato in each city we visit. That means I will be eatting a lot of ice cream! Yum! :)
Well, fairwell for now. You can expect my next blog when we arrive in Itlay!!

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