Saturday, January 16, 2010

I haven't been this tired in a long time... Just a quick update: We went snow shoeing today up at Rocky Mountain National Park! It was so amazing. More to come!


  1. Snow shoeing= awesome!! It was so much fun! Definitly worth being as tired as we were;) We still had enough energy to play imagineif! Next time we have to take more pictures:)

  2. Yes moooorrree pictures... cus 300 aren't enough! ;)

  3. Yes! MORE! Next time we get up with the sunrise! It was so so so so pretty. So ya know how the sun rises on the east... well the colors of the sunrise were all the way to the west behind the mountains! I have never seen it so beautiful!

  4. Wow! Sounds amazing! I cant wait to get back out there.
