Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fly Me to the Moon... or Denver

First Blog so don't judge me to harshly. I've never been much of a writer, this is going to be a new experience... a journey :)

I decided to start this blog to document my travels to Italy in April at the request of some close friends. But why stop there? I will be doing a lot of traveling this year, my first adventure of the year will be to Denver.

So here it goes... I'm heading to visit my best friend Lesley this weekend. She came to see me in August so now its my turn to go see her. We try to get together every few months, so this trip is Long over due. We've been doing some crazy planning for our short 3 days together. When I say crazy, I mean seriously we started responding in different colors to an email thread that has gone back and forth about 6 times... I'm in the middle of responding in Blue to the most recent thread. Our main activity for the weekend is to go snow shoeing in Estes Park on Saturday. Neither of us have ever been snow shoeing, so it should be pretty funny. Don't you worry, I will be documenting this attempt! For the rest of the trip we have packed pretty much every hour with an activity or a plan. Needless to say, Monday I will be sleeping. Please don't wake me.

I was able to pack everything I needed into one bag. One bag that I will be checking. And because I'm flying Southwest, I don't have to pay to check that bag. The amazing packers that only need to bring 1 carryon never have to worry about paying extra for their bag (I'm actually really jealous of their skills). The concept of having to pay for something you are ultimately required to bring, is incredibly backwards. You have to bring a bag (whether you check it or carry it on), if you don't they assume (which makes an a** out of u and me) you're a terrorist, but you have to pay because you brought a bag. Which is why I try to always fly Southwest, Bags Fly Free! Love it! I mean do those other airlines want to deter people from bringing a bag or are they just greedy and want to nickle and dime you until you realize there are other airlines and you don't have to fly with them. Its like they're trying to loose business.

So anyways... I fly today.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in Denver! Love the first post, I can't wait to hear about your journeys!
