Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So I love to paint. I usually do it for my own pleasure and stress relief, but lately I've been doing a lot of paintings for gifts. I really wish I could do this for every gift from now on, its so much more fun then going and buying something. :)

Reason #1 of why I paint:
Painting is like therapy, when I am stressed out I love to smear the colors together until they fall into place.

Reason #2:
I have a creative side, this is one way for me to express that side. I love to experiment, learn and discover new things. There is sooo much I still have to learn. I am such an amateur!

Reason #3:
I love being able to put what is in my mind and heart onto a canvas. It may not always turn out the way I originally intended, but I have fun doing it. My favorite paintings have been the ones that started off one way and morphed into something great.

Reason #4:
So much more fun to paint a gift for a person, using them as inspiration.

I really could go on, but I'd rather just put some of my paintings below. Enjoy!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. just wrote on your fb wall. saw the link to this. now im lusting after a painting. feel free to paint one as a gift to me any time soon. you are AMAZING my friend. seriously, so jealous of your gifts! also, i love you!
