Friday, February 12, 2010

Newly Claimed Birthday Weekend

Its already the middle of February... this year is really flying by. It feels like just in Denver hanging out with my best friend and that yesterday was my birthday. In reality Denver was a month ago and my birthday was the 1st of this month.
You've heard about Denver. Sooo much fun. But I've haven't told you about the things that happened around my birthday. This year I was determined not to make a big deal about my birthday... I didn't really tell anyone and those who already knew, I told them it wasn't a big deal, lets just hangout. This is what I wanted for this year. A simple low stress time around my birthday. But of course this was not what I was going to get.
The weekend before my birthday was a lot of fun, despite a few sticky situations. I got to hang out with friends and family. Went to my work team's holiday party, we finally had everyone in town at the same time so we were finally able to get together. It was a very fun night, we had good food, good company and a crappy gift exchange. So much fun. My really creepy crappy gift is sitting on my desk for all to admire!
Saturday was a good day, I hosted a Mary Kay party had a few friends over and we got makeovers. Form there I met some friends at a sports bar to watch the KU/KState game... KU won. :( Then it was off to my friends birthday party at a bar in the Power & Light District downtown. I had a great time celebrating with her.
Sunday was more or less relaxing... But Monday is when my stress level went crazy.
So my company's new pres and CEO sent out an email Monday morning - Happy Birthday Carly! - not really, it was an email telling us they were going start doing layoffs for this quarter. Oh happy day... I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about my job, or that I had a backup plan in case I was let go. So Tuesday I come in and low and behold HR is here, doing layoffs in my division. I survived... my birthday, unfortunately wasn't as lucky.
I decided to claim the last half of the week as my birthday celebration. Thursday I had a great dinner with my cousins and Kendra's family. This is when my week turned around. Friday I was supposed to drive to STL for a family b-day weekend, but the weather had other plans - snow, grrrrh. So I left Sat morning. Ended up being a great weekend. My mom and I got a lot of planning done for our upcoming Italy trip.
To finish off my newly claimed Birthday weekend, I watched the Superbowl with Ryan, Kendra and Bailey. Good Food, Great Friends and a pretty darn Good Game!

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