Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is hind sight really 20/20?

People say that hind sight is always 20/20. Well, I dont know if I agree. If hind sight is 20/20 then why dont we learn from our hind sight? If we see more clearly looking back at what we've done and how we did it or where we've gone and how we got there, Why dont we learn from the paths we traveled. I've found that, even with the help of hind sight, I make a lot of the same mistakes twice. Its very frustrating, I've walked down the same path many times, I know where that bump is in the road, yet I keep tripping over it! Are we really that stubborn! And you know our parents, who have also traveled that path, warned us about the bumps in the first place. But did we listen to them? Nope... we wanted to make our own mistakes and learn those lessons for ourselves.
So this is why I think hind sight is actually completely blurred, by our own hand, it may be 20/20 at first, but we put up blinders so we can change what we think happened to fit better with what we want to happen. Does that make sense? We think well, if I do it this way this time than the outcome will be completely different then last time. Or, last time this happened and this person did this, so if I try it again then without that then it will turn out the way I want. Thats really the key isnt it? Its about what I Want... not what is best for me and those around me.
So here's the challenge, and this is more for me then anyone who may read this. If every decision today is made for myself, then I wonder what the outcome would be if I took myself out of it. Through pray, seek the Lord before I make a decision, no matter how small. I wounder if taking myself out of it, how will hind sight look, will it be 20/20?

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