Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Italy 2010

Quick update on the Italy trip:

Anyone who doesnt know, I am traveling to Italy with my parents this spring. We will be there for 10 days and will be traveling to Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, and Milan.

Tickets are bought! Lodging is booked and now its time to plan for the days we will be in each city!

Most of our day are planned out, havent done any research for the evenings yet. We are going to the Colosseum and Forum, the Treve Fountain and Spanish Steps, the Vatican, the Pantheon, and possibly getting a tour guide for one of the days. If you've been there, any suggestions for restaurants? Suggestions for what to do in the evenings?

We will be in Florence for 1 1/2 days, we know we want to go see the David, and go to the Ponte Vecchio. Any other places we have to go to or things we must see?

Short stop in Pisa for the Leaning Tower and lunch.

Cinque Terre:
We are staying in Vernazza, in this adorable little bed and breakfast. So fun! We will be here for about 1 1/2 days. Our full day will be spent doing the hiking trail through each of the little towns. We will train down to Riomaggiore then hike back to Vernazza, its roughly a 5 mile hike. But its going to take all day as we will be stopping in each town, maybe grabbing the best gilato in each or finding the perfect lookout spot or the most charming cafe. What do you think we should look for?

2 days here, but our 1st day we are going to the Ferrari Museum in Modena, then on our way back to Milan stop in Parma for some dinner and desert. This was my dad's 1 request for the trip, which I am extremely ok with, as I am bit of a car girl. :)
The next day in Milan is still up in the air, we have limited time so Im not sure what we want to stuff into that day. There are so many things to do and soo little time! Suggestions would be nice.
The little hotel we are staying at in Milan is close to the airport, but as we have an early flight out, this is the best.

Thus concludes our trip. We fly back to the USofA and I arrive late in the evening back in KC.

If you have suggestions for our trip: cafe's you fell in love with, little shops we have to visit, the must see things in whatever museum, or maybe just your favorite spot in the city; I would love to here about them!

Is hind sight really 20/20?

People say that hind sight is always 20/20. Well, I dont know if I agree. If hind sight is 20/20 then why dont we learn from our hind sight? If we see more clearly looking back at what we've done and how we did it or where we've gone and how we got there, Why dont we learn from the paths we traveled. I've found that, even with the help of hind sight, I make a lot of the same mistakes twice. Its very frustrating, I've walked down the same path many times, I know where that bump is in the road, yet I keep tripping over it! Are we really that stubborn! And you know our parents, who have also traveled that path, warned us about the bumps in the first place. But did we listen to them? Nope... we wanted to make our own mistakes and learn those lessons for ourselves.
So this is why I think hind sight is actually completely blurred, by our own hand, it may be 20/20 at first, but we put up blinders so we can change what we think happened to fit better with what we want to happen. Does that make sense? We think well, if I do it this way this time than the outcome will be completely different then last time. Or, last time this happened and this person did this, so if I try it again then without that then it will turn out the way I want. Thats really the key isnt it? Its about what I Want... not what is best for me and those around me.
So here's the challenge, and this is more for me then anyone who may read this. If every decision today is made for myself, then I wonder what the outcome would be if I took myself out of it. Through pray, seek the Lord before I make a decision, no matter how small. I wounder if taking myself out of it, how will hind sight look, will it be 20/20?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Newly Claimed Birthday Weekend

Its already the middle of February... this year is really flying by. It feels like just in Denver hanging out with my best friend and that yesterday was my birthday. In reality Denver was a month ago and my birthday was the 1st of this month.
You've heard about Denver. Sooo much fun. But I've haven't told you about the things that happened around my birthday. This year I was determined not to make a big deal about my birthday... I didn't really tell anyone and those who already knew, I told them it wasn't a big deal, lets just hangout. This is what I wanted for this year. A simple low stress time around my birthday. But of course this was not what I was going to get.
The weekend before my birthday was a lot of fun, despite a few sticky situations. I got to hang out with friends and family. Went to my work team's holiday party, we finally had everyone in town at the same time so we were finally able to get together. It was a very fun night, we had good food, good company and a crappy gift exchange. So much fun. My really creepy crappy gift is sitting on my desk for all to admire!
Saturday was a good day, I hosted a Mary Kay party had a few friends over and we got makeovers. Form there I met some friends at a sports bar to watch the KU/KState game... KU won. :( Then it was off to my friends birthday party at a bar in the Power & Light District downtown. I had a great time celebrating with her.
Sunday was more or less relaxing... But Monday is when my stress level went crazy.
So my company's new pres and CEO sent out an email Monday morning - Happy Birthday Carly! - not really, it was an email telling us they were going start doing layoffs for this quarter. Oh happy day... I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about my job, or that I had a backup plan in case I was let go. So Tuesday I come in and low and behold HR is here, doing layoffs in my division. I survived... my birthday, unfortunately wasn't as lucky.
I decided to claim the last half of the week as my birthday celebration. Thursday I had a great dinner with my cousins and Kendra's family. This is when my week turned around. Friday I was supposed to drive to STL for a family b-day weekend, but the weather had other plans - snow, grrrrh. So I left Sat morning. Ended up being a great weekend. My mom and I got a lot of planning done for our upcoming Italy trip.
To finish off my newly claimed Birthday weekend, I watched the Superbowl with Ryan, Kendra and Bailey. Good Food, Great Friends and a pretty darn Good Game!