Monday, September 15, 2014

The Candy Bomber

You may have already received this from Jean, if so and you watched it please disregard.  If you haven't seen it, please set 13 minutes and 20 seconds aside to watch it!

Kind of long but worth watching.

What an awesome piece of history.  If a person has a dry eye during and   after viewing this, they are missing out on life!    WHEN YOU HAVE TIME- WATCH THIS STORY, BECAUSE IT WILL WARM YOUR HEART.  THIS   IS NOT A POLITICAL STORY, IT IS A STORY OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE GIVES A   SMALL GIFT AND IT GROWS, LIKE THE MUSTARD SEED OF FAITH.  TOM BROKAW IS   TELLING THIS STORY.  YOU WILL LOVE IT AND BE BLESSED FOR VIEWING IT.    The Candy Bomber.  I had not previously seen nor even heard of/about this video - at the below   Web-site.  But I gladly pass it along to you all with my endorsement to   please watch it from beginning to end.  (Be certain to have your speakers on  and volume up to hear it all.)  If after viewing it and if you feel as I do   after seeing and listening to this emotional item, I respectfully ask that   you at least consider passing it along to your family, friends, associates   and/or other e-mail correspondents in general, as I am doing.    This is a non-political email you are sure to enjoy.  A piece of history you   may not know and one that shouldn't be forgotten.  Definitely worth the   watch!    Another of our GREATEST GENERATION !!    By Tom Brokaw         

"What day is it?" asked Pooh.
"It's today" squeaked Piglet.
"My favorite day" said Pooh.

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