Friday, January 6, 2012

Baked Rosemary Sweet Potato Fries

These are very easy! And probably one of my favorite appetizers to make and eat.

Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 25 - 35 min
Servings: handful of fries for 4

You will need:
1 storage ziplock bag (or 2, depending on how many you are making)
1 large baking sheet

2 large sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
sea salt (your descretion)
rosemary (your descretion)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Wash sweet potatoes in warm water (warm or hot water will soften the potatoes so they are easier to cut). *Cut sweet potatoes into desired size fries, the smaller the fries, the more crunchy they will be when you bake. Place fries in zip lock bag.

Pour olive oil, rosemary and sea salt into zip lock bag. *Leave air in bag. Seal and mix ingredients. **

Place fries on *greased baking sheet, space evenly so the fries bake. Put fries into oven.
Bake @ 350 for 25 mins (+/- depending on how crunchy you like them).


additional directions:
*Using butcher knife & cutting board, cut sweet potato in half, long ways. Cut halves again in half, long ways. Begin to cut fries from the forths.
*May have to actually blow some air into the bag.
*Grease sheet using either Pam or olive oil, spread with paper towel.
*Keep an eye on them when you get to 20 min, take them out just shy of how done you want them, they continue to bake after you take them out of the oven.

**If you are preping them for a future meal you can put the whole bag in the fridge and save the baking for later.

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